privacy policy


White Tiger Archery, headquartered at Petre Ispirescu, Nr. 17, Bl. M214, Et. 4, Camera Nr. 4, Ap. 15, Bucuresti, is primarily concerned with maintaining the confidentiality of your personal data. Through this document, we want to inform you that by using the website, the personal data that you will provide will only reach the platform administrator, with their disclosure to third parties being excluded.


When using the website, the personal data you provide for Contact, Questions, and Complaints will be: NAME, SURNAME, E-MAIL ADDRESS, TELEPHONE NUMBER, with the possibility of requesting other information that you will provide fully aware of this privacy policy, thus giving your consent to their processing.


The personal data you provide when using the website will be processed for:

  • For marketing campaigns carried out through online or SMS means, aimed solely at communicating information about the site’s profile.
  • In this regard, you have the right to accept/refuse this data processing method, and their provision is voluntary.
  • To resolve any complaints received from you.
  • To improve your experience on the platform.
  • To conduct surveys that can help improve the site’s use.


The data you enter on the site’s forms must be your personal data, not those of third parties, and they must be correct.


White Tiger Archery reserves the right, after your agreement regarding the processing of personal data, to use them for the purposes mentioned in this document, as long as they consider it necessary. If you want your data to no longer be processed, although you have previously given your consent, please contact us at the e-mail address:


To process your data for the proposed purposes and not for other immoral or illegal purposes, they will be disclosed to White Tiger Archery’s partners to have an extremely efficient site activity. These partners will keep your personal data confidential.

The possible cases in which we will disclose the personal data you provide could be:

  • IT services for site administration;
  • Courier services if we need to ship you various items;
  • Performing data analysis, testing, and observing activity patterns;
  • For marketing campaigns, legally;
  • When the law requires their disclosure;


By using the website, you agree to this privacy policy and will not have the right to subsequently claim these actions.


According to the legislation in force regarding the processing of personal data, you, as a user, have the following rights:

  • The right to be informed and receive all details regarding any activity carried out by White Tiger Archery, in accordance with the above mentioned in this document.
  • The right to access your personal data and receive details regarding their processing, disclosure, and storage.
  • These are presented to you above, and you agree with the mentioned context of using the platform The right not to encounter any kind of discrimination by automated means.
  • The right to request that the data you have consciously provided to be deleted from the database without any excuses or hidden reasons that prevent this from happening. If you wish to delete personal data from the database, the website administrator must be notified at the email address: In the event of such a request for the deletion of personal data, there is the possibility that the data may be anonymized, that is, they will no longer have personal character, and processing will continue for strictly statistical purposes.
  • The right to request the cessation of data processing if: – The data is contested due to its accuracy; – Processing is illegal and the data subject opposes deletion but still restricts access; – You have objected to the processing for purposes other than direct marketing.
  • The right to address the NATIONAL AUTHORITY FOR THE SUPERVISION OF PERSONAL DATA PROCESSING if you have evidence or suspect that it is necessary because your rights have been violated.


If you have any other questions regarding the way in which White Tiger Archery manages and processes your personal data, please write to us at the email address:

This document complies with the current legal provisions of the Romanian State.

privacy policy

Privacy Policy

Tirul cu arcul este un sport fascinant si antrenant, care poate fi practicat atat pentru relaxare, cat si confidentialitate pentru a-ti imbunatati abilitatile de concentrare si coordonare. Daca esti interesat sa descoperi aceasta activitate, exista multe oportunitati de a face acest lucru in Bucuresti, mai ales in sectorul 5.

In ceea ce priveste confidentialitate cursurile de tir cu arcul, White Tiger Archery este una dintre cele mai bune optiuni din Bucuresti. Cu o experienta vasta si o echipa de instructori profesionisti, clubul ofera un program complet de cursuri pentru toti cei interesati sa invete mai mult despre acest sport.

Indiferent daca esti incepator sau ai deja o experienta in tirul cu arcul, cursurile confidentialitate noastre sunt adaptate pentru a-ti imbunatati abilitatile si a-ti oferi cunostintele necesare pentru a-ti dezvolta propriul stil de tragere cu arcul.

In cadrul cursurilor noastre, vei invata toate aspectele importante ale confidentialitate tirului cu arcul, inclusiv tehnica de tragere, controlul respiratiei, pozitionarea corpului si multe altele. Vei fi ghidat de instructorii nostri experimentati, care iti vor oferi sfaturi si trucuri pentru a-ti imbunatati abilitatile si a-ti atinge obiectivele in acest sport.

In plus, clubul nostru ofera si echipament de calitate pentru cursuri, astfel incat nu trebuie sa-ti faci griji in privinta achizitionarii propriului echipament de tir cu arcul. Daca iti doresti sa investesti in propriul echipament, clubul nostru iti poate oferi recomandari si sfaturi pentru achizitionarea celor mai bune echipamente de tir cu arcul.

Un alt avantaj al cursurilor noastre este ca acestea sunt flexibile si personalizate in functie de nivelul si necesitatile fiecarui participant. Astfel, daca ai deja o experienta in tirul cu arcul, vei putea sa iti dezvolti abilitatile la un nivel superior, iar daca esti incepator, vei putea sa inveti bazele acestui sport intr-un ritm potrivit pentru tine.

In ceea ce priveste locatia noastra, clubul White Tiger Archery se afla in sectorul 5 din Bucuresti, ceea ce face accesul la cursuri usor si comod pentru toti cei interesati. Aici, vei gasi o atmosfera prietenoasa si primitoare, in care vei putea sa te concentrezi asupra propriei evolutii si sa te distrezi in acelasi timp.

In concluzie, daca esti in cautarea unor cursuri de tir cu arcul de calitate in Bucuresti, White Tiger Archery este cu siguranta o optiune excelenta. Cu instructori profesionisti, echipament de calitate si un program flexibil si personalizat, vei avea toate resursele necesare pentru a-ti imbunatati abilitatile si a te bucura de.

Dupa finalizarea fiecarui curs, cursantii vor primi o diploma de participare care atesta competentele dobandite si nivelul de pregatire in domeniul tirului cu arcul. De asemenea, puteti opta si pentru cursurile de pregatire a instructorilor, astfel incat sa deveniti un profesionist in domeniu si sa puteti preda cursuri de tir cu arcul la randul vostru.

In plus, in cadrul clubului nostru puteti participa si la concursuri organizate la nivel local si national, pentru a va testa aptitudinile si a va masura fortele cu alti impatimiti ai acestui sport fascinant. De asemenea, avem echipamente de inchiriat pentru cei care doresc sa incerce acest sport inainte de a face investitia in propriul set de echipamente.